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Jigsimur plus is 100% alkaline in nature with no side effects because it contains antioxidants, phyto-nutrient with blends of aloe ferox which contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It is duly registered here in Nigerian with NAFDAC (A7-2720L).

Jigsimur Plus

I was introduced to this effective curative drug recently and I could not help but tell others. The name is Jigsimurplus, I call it a miracle in a bottle and a must have in every home.  So, here is my experience I had peptic ulcer which gave me very serious acid re flux and I have been treating it with orthodox medicine for a long time now but it relieves me and comes back worse, so a friend of mine recommended Jigsimurplus to me and I took it reluctantly but the relief I got after a day was overwhelming so I decided to finish a bottle and even join the network.  Not only that it cured me of the acid re-flux my body felt healthy because it detoxified my entire system and I even lost some kg.

Then again I gave it to an aged friend of  mine, who had prostrate issues even though he had a surgery sometime, he still wakes up severally at night to urinate which disturbed his sleep and insomnia, which was not okay for his  general well –being . But after few days of taking Jigsimurplus, he only got up once or twice at night to urinate and slept like a baby.

My mother who has been battling with arthritis due to old age is getting better and has started moving around on her own.  Though she is still on the medication but her generally well-being and immune system has also improved.

These are just few personal testimonies of what this wonder drug can do but the list is unending.   Here are the list of few sickness and ailment of what Jigsimur can handle: High cholesterol, weak body, diabetes, asthma, goiter, myoma, sexual dysfunction, UTI, constipation, bladder infection, kidney stones, it inhibits the growth of tumors, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity, it can be used as a laxative, repairs and soothe tissue and has an anti-aging elements

Jigsimur plus is 100% alkaline in nature with no side effects because it contains antioxidants, phyto-nutrient with blends of aloe ferox which contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It is duly registered here in Nigerian with NAFDAC (A7-2720L).

The beautiful thing is that you don’t have to break a bank to have it. You can also join the network if you desire to get it at a distributors rate, the price is negotiable . PLEASE CALL/WHATSAPP 08059079188 f you are interested to buy and know more.

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