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But one thing we must do is to make sure that those resolutions we made are achieved. We should not be like the Israelites who renege on their promises once they are faced with little challenges. It is easier to make promises and resolutions, talk is cheap but very difficult to put into action.


Happy New Year, great personalities and readers, to you I wish you a long life with good health and plenty cash to oil your life.  This is coming a bit too late but better late than never.  I have also taken out time to reason and communicate with God as he commanded us to do that is why I have not found time to write but I am back now and I am happy to be with you.  This year will be good and will favor all of us by the grace of God, according to the Igbo adage g, “Onye kwe Chi ya ekwe” which literally means that “God will support your desires” and I add that He will support your desires that are according to His will.  We have prayed for many good things and we believe that they will come, no matter the circumstances. #unwavering faith. We have also made resolutions and commitments for this year, I pray for enabling grace to keep and abide by them.

But one thing we must do is to make sure that those resolutions we made are achieved.  We should not be like the Israelites who renege on their promises once they are faced with little challenges. It is easier to make promises and resolutions, talk is cheap but very difficult to put into action. One thing you must know is that God loves promise keepers because He is a promise keeping God Himself, and so does man, therefore do not make promises, resolutions and commitments that you cannot keep, do not make them for fun or because everybody does, even the one you made in secret places, God will hear you and your breath will bear you witness. Keep your promises to God and man, be a man and a woman of integrity this year.

I want you to realize that once you make this wonderful resolutions, the enemy will throw things at you that might make you fall.  So, even if you fall, stand up and continue to strife until you get to your goal. Remember that the race is not for quitters but for those that perseve to the end.

 If you know your resolutions are too tough, your prayer points should be to have the grace to keep them. Most importantly strive to become a better and a purposeful person after all of these so that your life will impact on others’ positively.

Remember that living a purposeful and a positive life will make the world a better place.

May God bless and help us all !!!!

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